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foreign transactions中文是什么意思

用"foreign transactions"造句"foreign transactions"怎么读"foreign transactions" in a sentence


  • 对外交易


  • Elimination of risk arising from settlement of the two legs of a foreign transaction in different time zones
  • I confess this is the drollest thing i have ever met with in the course of my extensive foreign transactions , and you may readily suppose it has greatly roused my curiosity
  • The opening - up financial deepening can be summed up as the proportion of foreign transaction in one ' s country ' s output . the author inserts the element of financial and service trade in the model of " fund opening " and creates the model of " opening - up financial deepening "
  • The participation of the hong kong dollar in the cls system is a further endeavour by the hkma to eliminate the risk arising from settlement of the two legs of a foreign transaction in different time zones . it provides banks in hong kong with an additional channel to settle foreign exchange transactions in a safe and efficient manner
  • In this part the thesis analyze and measure the foreign transaction exposure , the foreign conversion exposure and the foreign economical exposure and expounds corresponding management tactics for them . additionally , the thesis suggests that the native enterprises involved in the business of foreign exchange set up the monetary committee and assign corresponding managerial purview to control foreign exchange risk effectively
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